From Vision to Growth

Well it was back in Feb 2015 when we all met to cast a vision for the future of St James.

For me it was an interesting time, seeing everyones reactions to some really important and searching questions that we often fail to ask and at times overlook; questions like what does the future of the Church look like, and moreover, what does it look like here in Thornton.

On Saturday we asked over 120 searching questions ranging from how welcoming we are, to what would our ideal church look like.

Over the past weeks we have been compiling and assessing the collected data in order to give the leadership a clear picture of how to plan for our future growth.

Our questioning was broken down into four main target areas that will allow us to formulate a five year transformational plan.

1 Making the church more visible

2 Making the church more inviting

3 Welcoming God & His people

4 Belonging to the church community

As you can appreciate one of the key areas of church life is that of our collective worship, and our Sunday morning services provide both the opportunity to worship together, and also to showcase all that we do and offer as a church. Therefore I feel that this is the first thing we should focus on to ensure that we are meeting the needs of both our current and future congregations.

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St James church is rooted in the love of God and dedicated to transformation through the works of the Holy Spirit.St James church,  300 Thornton Road,  Thornton Bradford,  West YorkshireEngland.  BD13 3AB   © St James 2023